The World Unseeing - the first Graeffenland novel

                              The World Unseeing, catch 23 meets darkly humorous fantasy, in this Ebook Novella on Amazon, by Tamara Wilding. Our two heroes leave their magical college to seek their fortunes in the world.
                        On their way they are beset by strange invisible faeries, crazed Mages, psychopathic femme fatales, and dodgy burglars! What is the Council of Mages? Who are the terrible Necromancers, and why would one of them want therapy? Who are the battling Dukes? All these questions and more may be answered within. It has goblins, it has gnomes, it has dragons, it has Pubs in unlikely places!

Please note, no trees were harmed in the production of this Ebook!"    Only $3.01   Only £1.99


  1. Please note, the cover art I originally intended is finally ready! Yaaaaaaaaay! So, Amazon willing, the cover will change soon!

  2. First Review:
    "I really quite enjoyed Ms. Wilding's book. For me her writing is reminiscent of Robert Lynn Asprin, Craig Shaw Gardner, L. Sprague de Camp with a soupcon of Pratchett and Gaiman thrown in given how she intelligently takes, embraces and then turns on their heads the tropes of the modern fantasy novel. To put it more simply, "The World Unseeing", is a fun read. A funny one too full of politically ambitions human nobles, ancient necromancers, dragons, gnomes, goblins, mages and an accidental "god". Good times. Highly recommended if you like your fantasy chock full of snarky humor." Five Stars from mark Featherston !
