Monday, 21 August 2017

The How Evil Am I Check list

The How Evil Am I?  Check list.
 Answer each question that follows honesty, scoring one point for a yes, zero points for a no.
1: You're walking in the Park, someone drops their Wallet. They haven't noticed. Do you pick it up and keep it?
2: A Colleague at Work is really getting on your tits. You see a way to drop them in it, without risk to yourself. Do you do it?
3: You're Shopping at the Mall, it's Christmas, and you want a Barbie Doll for your Daughter. There is one left, and a little girl further from it than you, is talking excitedly about that very Doll. Do you take the Doll anyway?
4: You're out with friends, one of whom gets in a fight, do you back him up?
5: You're out with friends, one of whom gets in a fight, do you run away?
6: Your home is being invaded. You have a Gun, do you shoot the invader?
7: Your next door neighbour is arguing with a stranger, do you ignore them.
8: Your next door neighbour is beating his Wife, do you ignore them.
9: Your next door neighbour is loading someone's body into his car boot. Do you ignore him.
10: Your neighbour is really struggling to move the body, do you offer to lend a hand?
11:  A train arrives at a Station. A body has burst across it's front, and the driver hasn't noticed. Do you laugh?
12: Your at the Station, someone clearly in distress, is hovering by the platform edge. Do you ignore them?
13: Someone is at the platforms edge, do you watch to see if they jump?
14: As 13, but do you have your Phone ready to get some You Tube footage?
15: You have a new Job in the City. You have to swindle Pension Accounts. Do you stay with the job?
16: Your Boss says it's victimless crime, and that finessing money from Pension Funds is just normal business and not dishonest. Do you believe him?
17: You walk passed a Homeless Person on the Street. Do you ignore her?
18: You walk passed a Homeless Person on the Street. Do you come back later with an indecent proposal?
19: You walk passed a Homeless Person on the Street. Do you come back with your friends later and beat her to death?
20:Do you eat live vegetables? (Fruit and Grains are exempt)
21: Do you eat meat?
22: Are you prepared to Kill in Self Defence?
23: Are you prepared to Kill for a Religious Cause?
24: Are you prepared to Kill for Personal Gain?
25: Do you Kill for the sheer Joy and Fun of the Act?
26: When you see a Tragedy on the News, do you ignore it?
27: When you see a Tragedy on the News, do you watch avidly, grateful that it wasn't you?
28: When you see a Tragedy on the News, do you get out the Popcorn and beer?
29: Are you jealous of other People?
30: Do you belittle other People you worry might be better than you at something?
31:  Do you wish Ill of other People?
32: Have you ever prayed for the demise of one or more people?
33: Do you want more Wealth than you presently have?
34: Do you hoard what Wealth you have?
35: Do you deny yourself or your loved ones, simply to meet a 'Financial Target'?
36: Do you conspire with others to gain more Wealth, at the expense of others?
37: Do you try to engineer events, in business or in career, to advance you or your kin, over other people?
38: Do you see other People as your property?
39: Do you believe you are more important than other People?
40: Do you keep Friends only so long as they are useful?
If you score over twenty, you're Nasty. Over thirty, shit that's bad.

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